Radiasi sinar x pdf spleen

Yin yoga sequence for the spleen and stomach meridians. Pdf purposeproducing high quality images in ct is important for image. Areas of the liver and spleen where the tracer collects in large amounts show up as bright spots in the pictures. Your liver is one of your the largest organs and one of the most important. Lymphoid organ, located in the left side of the abdomen behind the stomach. Tehnik difraksi sinarx dalam analisis struktur kristal. Pdf image quality assessment tools for optimization of ct images. Berkas radiasi sinar x yang mengenai objek sebagian diserap oleh objek dan sisanya diteruskan menembus objek. Sfakianakis md professor of radiology and pediatrics director division of nuclear medicine, university of miami, florida october 2009.

Loudest pubic bone crack ive ever heard self cracker gets deeper adjustmentcarpal tunnelasmr duration. While its true that a person can live without their spleen, this orange wedgesized organ is pretty underrated. However, behind the technologybenefits provided by the radiation, the. Scintigraphy of the liver and spleen hepatobiliary scintigraphy george n. Beberapa efek merugikan pada tubuh anakanak karena terpapar sinar x pada umumnya terjadi bintik kemerahan pada kulit, xerostomia, dan gangguan perkembangan pada benih gigi. It is a functionally defined entity and not equivalent to the anatomical organ of the same name. Sometimes, the spleen becomes enlarged and grows big enough inside the body to cause discomforts. An angiosarcoma of the spleen is a rare malignant splenic neoplasm.

Both uses for radiodiagnostic and radiotheraphy, have. Cmml is having problems from a very enlarged spleen, radiation therapy may be used to shrink it. Affordable and search from millions of royalty free images, photos and vectors. Spektroskopi difraksi sinar x x ray difractionxrd merupakan salah satu metoda karakterisasi material yang paling tua dan paling sering digunakan hingga sekarang. The surgeon and the spleen itp low platelet, normal bone marrow, abscess of other causes increased platelet destruction mediated by autoantibodies to platelet membrane antigens that results in platelet phagocytosis by the spleen 72% pts 10yrs are. Spleen, anatomy, sinusoids, in, red, pulp, cells, in, white, pulp, findings, symptoms, findings, causes, mnemonics, rev. Home education acupuncture point location spleen meridian index spleen 12. Merupakan radiasi elektromagnetik berenergi tinggi.

Ask anyone if they know what a spleen does, and nine out of ten times theyll probably either look at you with a blank stare or maybe say its one of those organs you dont really need. Selsel plasma yang belum matang mengalami proliferasi dan menyebar secara luas didalam rongga sumsum keseluruh skleton. Radiasi sinar x dipancarkan dari fokus tabung sinar x dalam arah garis lurus. Radiationinduced dosedependent changes of the spleen. The spleen is a lymphoid organ that serves to filter the blood and generate an immune response to provocative stimuli. During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer substance is put into a vein iv in the arm.

Efek radioprotektif ekstrak tanaman rosela hibiscus. The spleen is considered the forgotten organ among radiologists and clinicians, although it is well visualised on abdominal computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Oh yeah, and it can multiply into whats called accessory spleens. Pdf image quality assessment tools for optimization of. Crosssectional imaging of the spleen radiology key. Us is a noninvasive method imaging of internal structures including abdomen, thorax heart, eye, and appendages. Radiation therapy for chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Read and know all about enlarged spleen, what causes it, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. When dedicated imaging of the spleen is required, routine sequences are sufficient to evaluate the liver. Beard, dvm, ms, dacvr clinical associate professor, radiology auburn university college of veterinary medicine why use ultrasound in your practice. Journal of vocational health studies open journal unair.

Hal ini menyebabkan intensitas sinar x itu menjadi berkurang dengan perbandingan kuadrat jarak. Individuals without a spleen are at risk for overwhelming infection. Introduction to basic radiotherapy radiation therapy. Radiasi sinarx secara berulang spermatozoa quality of mice exposed to xrays radiation in repeated download download pdf. Radiasi ini terdiri dari gelombang radio, gelombang mikro, inframerah, cahaya tampak, sinar x. This spleen inflammation is known as splenomegaly, meaning enlargement megaly of the spleen. The spleen is delivered to the midline by means of blunt and sharp dissection of the areolar plane between the kidney and the pancreas. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. It should be kept in mind that the spleen of gastric cancer patients with resectable disease is viewed as normal tissue. Shrinking the spleen can improve symptoms like abdominal belly pain and trouble eating, but there are some risks. Kualitas spermatozoa mencit yang terpapar radiasi sinarx. Despite it,its a splenic angiosarcoma is considered the most common primary splenic. Knowledge about the use of different imaging modalities and underlying gross and microscopic pathologic features leads to a better understanding of the radiologic findings.

A liver and spleen scan is a nuclear scan that is done to look at these organs for disease. The malignant lesions are divided into primary and metastatic lesions, ranging from lymphoma, angiosarcoma to pleomorphic sarcoma. Ultrasonographic assessment of splenic volume and its. Bremsstrahlung wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Patients with hematological disorders may have an enlarged spleen splenomegaly that is destroying blood cells or causing pain. Skripsi ini disusun sebagai salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk menyelesaikan program strata1 di jurusan fisika fakultas sains dan teknoogi universitas islam negeri uin alauddin makassar. Karena sinarx memiliki energi yang lebih tinggi dari pada cahaya tampak, maka sinarx dapat. Ct is the workhorse of imaging in lymphoma and plays a crucial role in staging. Tulang yang sering terkena adalah tempat sumsum hemopoiletik aktif antara lain spina, tengkorak, rusuk, sternum, pelvis dan ujung. Spleen introduction information on the following lesions is available in this section. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader.

Proses pembentukan sinar x dihasilkan oleh suatu pesawat melalui proses fisika. Tulang yang sering terkena adalah tempat sumsum hemopoiletik aktif antara lain spina, tengkorak, rusuk, sternum, pelvis dan ujung bagian atas. Phagocytic cells within the spleen remove abnormal or damaged cells, foreign particles, and microorganisms from circulation. Sinar x merupakan suatu bentuk radiasi elektromagnetik yang memiliki panjang gelombang sangat pendek yaitu berkisar antara 0,01 hingga 10. Radiasi elektromagnetik adalah radiasi yang tidak memiliki massa. Image quality assessment tools for optimization of ct images.

Ketika detektor menerima sisasisa foton tersebut, foton berinteraksi dengan detektor dan memproduksi sinyal dengan arus yang kecil yang disebut sinar output analog. Selama eksposi, berkas sinar x foton menembus pasien dan mengalami perlemahan attenuasi. Sisasisa foton yang telah terattenuasi kemudian ditangkap oleh detektor. In radiology, xray has been used to diagnose disease and therapy. Pancaran itu kemudian didistribusikan dalam jarak yang semakin besar. It moves through the blood to the liver and spleen. The spleen is an organ of the hematological system and has a role in immune response, storage of red blood cells and hematopoiesis. Watch my video on the digestive system to learn more about coming into harmony with these earth element channels. Spleen birte steiniger, university of marburg, marburg, germany the spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ present in all vertebrates. Often times practitioners will also combine spleen 6 and stomach 36 with spleen 9 for for a beautiful digestive wellness treatment. It makes proteins and cholesterol your body uses in digestion. Zebra spleen, also referred to as psychedelic spleen or more correctly inhomogeneous splenic enhancement, refers to the transient heterogeneous parenchymal enhancement of the spleen during the arterial or early portal venous phases of contrast enhancement in ct, mri, or ultrasound imaging it is due to the differing blood flow rates of blood and contrast between red pulp which enhances. Introduction to abdominal ultrasound veterinary medicine.

Spleen is an important internal organ that is on average not larger than the size of a fist. Sinar x merupakan radiasi elektromagnetik sinar x dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok radiasi elektromagnetik karena sifanya yang hampir sama dengan cahaya tampak. It is structurally complex and has a number of different functions such as immunological monitoring of bloodborne antigens, storage of. Request pdf effect and application of ionization radiation xray in living. Radiasi elektromagnetik berbentuk gelombang elektromagnetik, yaitu gelombang yang dalam perambatannya tidak membutuhkan medium. Tulang yang sering terkena adalah tempat sumsum hemopoiletik aktif antara lain spina. View of kualitas spermatozoa mencit yang terpapar radiasi sinar. Acupressure point spleen 6 san yin jiao add pressure to this point during the below sequence to increase targeting of the spleen meridian. Sinar x telah dimanfaatkan dalam bidang kesehatan sebagai salah satu sarana penunjang diagnostik dan terapi, diantaranya digunakan pada bagian radiologi, radioterapi dan kedokteran nuklir. Tumor ini berasal dan lokasi awalnya pada sumsum tulang, pada stadium lebih lanjut akan melibatkan nodus limfa, hati, spleen, serta ginjal. Using moxa on sp 1 can stop bleeding anywhere in the body, especially uterine bleeding. The normal adult spleen is isointense to muscle on t1weighted images and hyperintense to the liver on t2weighted images. Energi antara 10 310 6 ev panjang gelombnag sinar x memiliki orde yang sama dengan jarak antara atom. With the spleen retracted medially, the phrenicocolic ligament is incised.

Pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan radiasi pengion memberikan efek radiasi pada tubuh, berupa efek stokastik. The spleen and lymph nodes along the splenic vessels and by the hilum of the spleen are considered one lymphatic region in the ann arbor system. Moreover, the spleen is commonly involved in a wide range of pathologic disorders. Treating the spleen with radiation can affect the way it works. It is uncommon for cancer to arise in the spleen or metastasize to the spleen. The process of taking a ct of the spleen begins by taking many different x ray views at various different angles, which are then combined with the use of computer processing to create crosssectional images of the bones and soft tissue inside of. The benign lesions include hemangiomas, hamartomas, and sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation of the spleen. Spleen chinese medicine jump to navigation jump to search. Difraksi sinar x terjadi pada hamburan elastis fotonfoton sinar x.

The sequence below targets the spleen and stomach channels. Spleen anatomy sinusoids in red pulp, cells in white. Dihasilkan akibat interaksi antara berkas berkas elektron eksternal dengan elektron pada kulit atom spektrum sinar x memiliki. Mri has the advantages of providing multiplanar, multisequence images and not requiring radiation. The spleen was irradiated with a mean dose of 40 gy, whereas in this type of treatment other oar such as the kidneys and liver generally receive 20 and 15 gy, respectively. Daily stimulation of spleen 9 will help jump start the digestive system. Teknik ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi fasa kristalin dalam material dengan cara menentukan parameter struktur kisi serta untuk mendapatkan ukuran partikel. Peristiwa itu menyebabkan elektron kehilangan energinya dengan memancarkan radiasi elektromagnetik yang dikenal sebagai sinarx bremsstrahlung. Radiasi elektromagnetik ini meliputi gelombang radio, gelombang mikro, radiasi infrared, gelombang uv, sinar x, dan sinar y, yang mana semua radiasi tersebut memiliki persamaan, yakni samasama. Introduction to basic radiotherapy free download as powerpoint presentation.

Radiation therapy for the spleen for malignant lymphoma. Effect and application of ionization radiation xray in living. Dilakukan imunisasi pada mencit diimunisasi dengan 0,2 ml vaksin p. The following information is from the points acupuncture reference software. Stops bleeding, regulates the spleen, calms the shen, revives consciousness. Paul fussells latest book vents his spleen against everything he hates about his country. It has important haematological and immunological functions and may be involved in malignant disease. Gross anatomy the spleen is a wedgeshaped organ lying mainly in the left upper quadrant left hypochondrium and. The spleen is the largest organ in the reticulo endothelial system. Bila jarak yang diberikan diperbesar menjadi dua kalinya, maka. Radiasi yang telah kita kenal memiliki satuan yang berbeda dalam berbagai penggunaan radiasi dalam berbagai kegiatan manusia yaitu. The spleen is the largest collection of lymphoid tissue in the body.