Ignacio de loyola full movie free download

If you could hear the voice of god, would you want to keep it secret. Discover how one mans failure led to his greatest achievement. Written and directed by paolo dy and produced by jesuit communications foundation. Ignatius of loyola, founder of the jesuit order format. Ignatius of loyola, founder of the society of jesus. Ignatius of loyola is a 2016 philippine historical biographical religious drama film directed by paolo dy in his directorial debut. Produced by jesuit communications foundation jescom philippines, the feature film is a modern look at the story of st ignatius of loyola, the. Ignacio is an incisive and thrilling look at the life of st. A filipino production shot in spain and the philippines, the film chronicles his. Seeing the spirit of this giant of a man is an experience that will command honor and triumph in. But we mustnt forget the filipino element in this movie.

The actors are largely unknown to the filipino audience, and yet they come across as entirely believable and accessible. The movie about ignatius of loyola is a masterpiece. Ignatius of loyola, the 16thcentury spanish priest who founded the jesuit order, is the subject of this moving biodrama. It is an incisive and thrilling look at the life of the real man behind the legend, following his transformation from a brash, impulsive youth obsessed with women and swordfighting. Ignatius of loyola or ignacio, founder of the society of jesus, as told by a young priest who was once assigned to defend him before. Ignatius of loyola subtitles download movie and tv. And in those words, the essence of the film is captured no one is too far gone in god. It uses the power of modern film making to show the interior greatness of a man whose mission in life was truly to conquer death itself. But really, the movie is a triumph of ensemble acting. It is based on the memoirs of ignatius of loyola, founder of the jesuit order who was canonized as a saint in the catholic church.